Tips to ensure your loan closes quickly and easily:
Once you’ve been pre-approved, it’s important to maintain your creditworthiness and financial stability so that the loan can close. My job is to guide and educate you about things you can do along the way to make the process go more smoothly. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure you remain a good candidate for a home mortgage:
Keep up on all your credit payments: vehicle, credit cards, utilities, student loans.
Stay at your current job, since reliable income is a big part of your qualification.
If you receive a large deposit, make sure you can track its source and purpose.
Talk to me before you make a large purchase of any kind (car, furniture, etc.). Doing so could impact your loan approval or delay closing!
There are more documents I will need from you as we progress and more actions I’ll ask you to take (or not to take!), but these tips are a great start to keep you on the road to purchasing a new home. Let’s talk about your next steps soon!